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Sunday, October 28, 2007

I. Overview to the Section

A. An introduction to the person of Jesus

The first four chapters focus our attention on the person who is central to the Gospel story: Jesus Christ. We learn about the type of person he is by understanding the nature of the events surrounding his birth and early life. We see his qualifications and validation for service as God’s chosen one.

B. An introduction to his ministry

We see that he is connected to God and used by him to announce the Kingdom of Heaven. We see that he has the power to defeat demonic forces. We see that his ministry has a tangible affect in the lives of those who desperately need the touch of God.

C. A foreshadowing of things to come

We see the world-wide reach that Jesus’ ministry will eventually have. We see the conflict which will ensue over him and the eventual result of that conflict, both good and bad.

II. Chapter 1 - The Genealogy and Birth

A. The genealogy connects Jesus to key people and events in Israel’s past.

1. The genealogy connects Jesus to Abraham and thus to the Abrahamic covenant.

2. The genealogy connects Jesus to David and thus to the Davidic covenant.

3. The genealogy implies that Jesus is the answer to the problem of the exile.

B. The birth shows that God is involved in Jesus’ life in a powerful and amazing way.

1. God is intimately involved in superintending the details of Jesus’ life.

2. Jesus’ ministry to Israel will deal directly with her sin problem.

3. Jesus will manifest the very presence of God to his people.

III. Chapter 2 - The Early Life of Jesus

A. The visit of the wise men foreshadows the inclusion of Gentiles in the Kingdom of Heaven.

B. The conflict with Herod foreshadows the conflict Jesus will experience and his ultimate death as a result.

C. The flight to and return from Egypt shows that Jesus is fulfilling the history of Israel.

IV. Chapter 3 - The Ministry of John the Baptist

A. John’s preaching announces the coming of Jesus as the one who will usher in the Kingdom.

1. John preached as an Old Testament prophet.

2. John pointed to Jesus as the one who will enact God’s end-time plans.

B. Jesus’ submission to John’s baptism shows his identification with Israel’s need for repentance.

C. The heavenly pronouncement at Jesus’ baptism shows his acceptance as God’s son.

V. Chapter 4 - The Validation of Jesus and the Beginning of his Ministry

A. Jesus’ faithfulness to God during the temptations shows his worthiness as God’s servant.

B. The temptations show that Israel’s true enemy is a spiritual foe.

C. The beginning of Jesus’ ministry shows his authority and ability to change people’s lives.

1. His call of the first disciples shows his authority over man.

2. His ability to heal and cast out demons shows his authority over spiritual forces.

3. His ministry shows intense concern for the lives of individuals.

VI. Conclusion

These chapters set the stage. We have been introduced to the person central to the story. We know that he is an important person in God’s plan as detailed in the Hebrew Bible, and we have seen his ministry in outline. Next we will hear what he has to say about being part of God’s Kingdom.