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Dr. David Livingstone

Monday, April 30, 2007

Dr. David Livingstone was a renowned Missionary who lived in Scotland in the 1800's. I took a survey and found that on the streets, most did not know who Dr. Livingstone was! Even sadder is that many Christians today either do not know the name or know very little about him or his work. The life of this hero of the faith should not be forgotten, least of all by those of us seeking to bring the name of Christ to a lost world.

In Africa today there are millions of men, women and children who believe in the name of Jesus Christ because of the foundation laid by Dr. David Livingstone and the sacrifices made by him in his determination to follow Christ.

Dr. Livingstone was born in Blantryre, Scotland March 19, 1813, not of affluent parents but into a working class family, in conditions we could only classify as harsh by the standards of today. He worked in a factory form the time he was a small boy, working to support his family not for the luxuries of life but to survive.

Still, he had the most important thing; the love of family and a heart that was always seeking God. It was this love that drove him to study every chance he got: before work, after work and even during the short times that breaks were allowed.

Livingstone tells the story of a time at work when he was discovered reading his Bible. His supervisor demanded to know what he was hiding. He showed him his Bible to the boss's shock. The man then asked how a boy like David could have afforded a magnificent Bible like that. David explained he had won it in a contest for memorizing Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible. Still not believing David, his supervisor asked him to quote the passage. After a few minutes, the supervisor gave in and returned David's Bible with the encouragement that he could continue to study as he had been doing.

David liked studying science but felt guilt because he loved God and believed the Bible to be the true word of God; many had said the Bible and science were incompatible. David would walk across Scotland to find the answer from a theologian and scientist named Dr Thomas Dick. Quoting from the book David Livingstone From Africa to Eternity by Sam Wellman, part of Dr Dick's reply included these two statements in reference to the question as to the compatibility of science and the Bible ."Such a common error. Some scientific observations are false because men are imperfect. But some science is true, too. On the other hand, every word in the Bible is true, but the truth takes several forms" He pointed out that many of the parables are meant to point the to truth, not that the parables themselves are true stories.

The other quote by Dr Dicks sums it up. "The Bible is the word of God, the wisest book we have or ever will have. But you must not be a fool with its wisdom".

That meeting would set him on a course that would see him studying medicine and theology in Glasgow. After graduating, the passion of his heart and his calling was to be a missionary and to help put a stop to slavery.

Dr Livingstone would leave Scotland and become a missionary doctor with the London Missionary Society. He would go on to explore more of Africa than any other European before.

He was the first European see and rename the falls that the native people called "the smoke that thunders" or Mosi-oa- tunya and give it the name by which is known today -Victory Falls.

Dr Livingstone explored the Zambezi River, pushing ever further into the heart of Africa. He would stand on the shores of Lake Tanganyika and canoe the Congo River. At each and every turn he brought for the first time the Gospel to people he loved and would give his life for.

The cost of being a missionary can be high. Dr Livingstone would spend little time at home with his family and is beloved wife Mary would die in 1862 form malaria after once again joining him in Africa. Livingstone would never truly get over her death. Back in London, Dr Livingstone published his book Narratives of an Expedition to the Zambezi which would finance his next and last expedition to find the mouth of the Nile River. It was on this expedition after years of being out of contact with home that the New York Times sent the now famous reporter, Henry Morton Stanley, who will always be remembered for his famous words upon finding Dr Livingstone: "Dr. Livingstone I presume".

Dr Livingstone died in Africa on the 1st of May 1873. His body would be carried back to England and buried in Westminster Abbey, but as per his instructions, his heart was removed and buried under a mvula tree in Africa, the land he loved.

Written By Pastor Tim Lane Union Gospel Misson - Sacramento

For More Livingstone Link:


Sunday, April 29, 2007

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10

This verse at the end of the familiar story of Zaccheus is important for a couple of reasons. First note the title He used, "Son of Man" The title is interesting for He relates Himself to man rather than God, stressing His humanity. Jesus stepped out of eternity and into time and space by being physically born of a woman and living on this earth for some thirty-three years. He had all the characteristics of man including the temptation to sin. He was the only human who ever overcame those temptations and lived a sinless life. Because of that He was qualified to pay the price for our sins so that we might have eternal life.

Then He clearly stated His purpose “to seek and to save that which was lost.” This statement of purpose ties back to the parables of the lost (sheep, coin, and son) we looked at back in
Luke 15. Remember the emphasis on the importance of the lost (sheep), the intensity of the search (coins), and the love of the sinner (son).

Jesus not only sought but He took the necessary actions that the lost might be saved. That required Him giving up His life. Because He lived a sinless life He was able to assume the heavy weight of each of our sins. God, the Father, hates sin so much He had to turn His back on His Son. In
Matthew 27:46, the passage depicting the crucifixion Jesus cried out to His Father, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me.?”

We should thank God daily for His tremendous love for us in sending His Son to save us from our sins and we should thank the Lord Jesus for His willingness to go to the cross and lay down His life for our sin.

From - Joe Hanson Devotional April 29, 2007


Sunday, April 22, 2007

They called themselves the Zealots. This feisty little band of men somehow got the idea that they could take on the entire Roman army. Many of them died trying, but the Empire shook when they fell. Their lives burned with devotion to a cause they believed to be just.

One of those Zealots was called by Jesus to be one of the twelve. His name was Simon and the fiery passion, which already gripped his heart, was remarkably transformed. God changed his dreams for social change into an exiting vision for spiritual change. Simon became a Disciple of Jesus.

What kind of disciple are we today? As you think about the question, consider something God says: "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” Revelation 3:15,16

This statement is not good news for the majority of professing Christians. God says that if you are spiritually lukewarm you make Him vomit!

Is the Church making an impact on the world as God intends? America hasn’t experienced widespread revival in more than 100 years. Some Christians don’t believe such a spiritual awakening is possible today. The God of Elijah can bring revival today just as He has done so many times before. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Will we Christians become torches burning with the fire of the Holy Spirit” Will you do what Simon the Zealot did?

Simon became a soldier for Jesus Christ. He had been a soldier of the Zealots, but he exchanged his uniform and weapons to fight in a more important battle. Will we join him?

Paul instructed the Ephesians to “put on the whole armor of God” Ephesians 6:10. He explained that Christians are to be real soldiers who fight in a real battle against a real enemy. The objective is spiritual victory.

No one likes to lose. It is just not a normal reaction. Neither is it normal to accept a loss complacently; yet the majority of Christian go down to spiritual defeat time after time without ever using the weapons which God provides for the conflict. What about you? Have you made preparation for spiritual victory? Do you know what provisions God has made for you during the battle?