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Sunday, April 29, 2007

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10

This verse at the end of the familiar story of Zaccheus is important for a couple of reasons. First note the title He used, "Son of Man" The title is interesting for He relates Himself to man rather than God, stressing His humanity. Jesus stepped out of eternity and into time and space by being physically born of a woman and living on this earth for some thirty-three years. He had all the characteristics of man including the temptation to sin. He was the only human who ever overcame those temptations and lived a sinless life. Because of that He was qualified to pay the price for our sins so that we might have eternal life.

Then He clearly stated His purpose “to seek and to save that which was lost.” This statement of purpose ties back to the parables of the lost (sheep, coin, and son) we looked at back in
Luke 15. Remember the emphasis on the importance of the lost (sheep), the intensity of the search (coins), and the love of the sinner (son).

Jesus not only sought but He took the necessary actions that the lost might be saved. That required Him giving up His life. Because He lived a sinless life He was able to assume the heavy weight of each of our sins. God, the Father, hates sin so much He had to turn His back on His Son. In
Matthew 27:46, the passage depicting the crucifixion Jesus cried out to His Father, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me.?”

We should thank God daily for His tremendous love for us in sending His Son to save us from our sins and we should thank the Lord Jesus for His willingness to go to the cross and lay down His life for our sin.

From - Joe Hanson Devotional April 29, 2007