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Mistakes In the Bible

Sunday, July 15, 2007

By Winkie Pratney

The Bible is full of mistakes.

The first mistake was when Eve doubted the Word of God.
The second happened when her husband did, too.
And mistake after mistake is still being made because people insist on doubting God.s Word

The Bible is full of contradictions.

It contradicts pride and prejudice
It contradicts lust and lawlessness
It contradicts sin, yours and mine

The Bible is filled with failures.

Because it is the record of people who failed many times.
There was Adam
There was Cain
There was Moses
There was David and many, many others
But it is also the record of God.s never-failing love

God did not write the Bible.

For people who want to play games with words
For those who like to examine good without doing it
For the man who does not believe because he does not want to

Modern man has discarded the teachings of the Bible.

For the same reasons other men have discarded it throughout history.
Woeful ignorance as to its true message and content
Determined apathy in refusing to consider its claims
Parroted pseudo-scholarship posing as honest criticism
Secret conviction that this Book is right and men are wrong

It is clear that only an ignoramus or prejudiced person would believe it.

Teaches outmoded, irrational, unreasonable and archaic principles
Is filled with hopeless discrepancies and unacceptable statements
Could only be the undirected, irrelevant, uninspired and unaided work of mere men

The Bible is, after all, only just another religious book.

For thousands who do not dare be honest with themselves and God
For those who are afraid to accept God.s challenge to an honest examination
For those unwilling to look, in case it tells them what they are really like inside

And you cannot understand or trust what the bible says.

Unless you are willing to consider the evidence and face up to the Author.